Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Gender and age peculiarities of aortic pressure in healthy adolescents

Year: 2018, volume 14 Issue: №2 Pages: 197-200
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Sheveleva A.M.
Organization: Volgograd State Medical University

Aim: to reveal gender and age peculiarities of daily dynamics of systolic aortic pressure (SBPao), diastolic aortic pressure (DBPao), mean hemodynamic aortic pressure (MBPao) and pulse aortic pressure (PPao) in healthy adolescents. Material and Methods. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring was performed in 354 healthy adolescents (184 girls, 170 boys) aged 12-17 years. Results. Daytime, nighttime and diurnal levels of SBPao and PPao were significantly lower in girls, than that of boys. Boys had significantly lower daytime and diurnal levels of DBPao than girls. Nighttime level of MBPao was significantly higher in boys than in girls. Growth positively correlated with daytime, nighttime and diurnal levels of SBPao (r=0.3, r=0.4and r=0.4 respectively) in boys 12-17 years old. Correlation analysis in girls 12-17 years showed a weak positive relationship between growth and nighttime, daytime and diurnal levels of SBPao (r=0.14, r=0.2 and r=0.14 respectively). Conclusion. The observed differences between age subgroups could be associated with the different velocity of pubertal development in the examined adolescents, as well as with the different role of hormonal and neuronal regulation mechanisms in the formation of aortic pressure level and its diurnal dynamics.

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