Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Features of psychoemotional disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis in different clinical and demographic groups

Year: 2018, volume 14 Issue: №1 Pages: 151-153
Heading: Neurology Article type: Short message
Authors: Lukina E.V., Chernysheva О.А., Eliseeva V.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Purpose: to conduct an analysis of psychoemotional disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis, who are not receiving any treatment for these disorders. Material and Methods. A cohort of patients with a reliable diagnosis of multiple sclerosis, according to the criteria of С Poseur, consisting of 163 people, was selected for the research. A four-dimensional symptomatic questionnaire was used to assess distress, depression, anxiety and somatization (4DSQ) and a self-questionnaire for evaluating the symptoms of fibromyalgia with quantitative measures (WPI, SS, FS). Re-sults. Differences in the average values of the level of distress, depression, anxiety and somatization in patients with multiple sclerosis of different sex, age, with different type of course and duration of the disease are shown. Conclusion. The neuropsychological status of patients depends on the type of course of the disease, the level of distress — from age and sex, the level of somatization —from the age of this category of patients. In the complex treatment of this category of patients it is necessary to use symptomatic treatment in addition to pathogenetic therapy, which has not only neurotrophic and vasoactive effects, but also affects the psychoemotional background of patients.

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