Тhe efficiency of complex treatment of different variants of myasthenia gravis
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Lapshina O.V., Antipenko Е.А., Gustov A.V.
Organization: Privolzhskiy Research Medical University
The aim: to evaluate the effect of complex restorative treatment on clinical manifestations and the state of oxidative homeostasis in patients with different variants of myasthenia gravis. Material and Methods. The analysis of indicators of biochemiluminescence, muscle strength according to the scales QMGS and MG-ADL, instrumental methods of research (ENMG and respiratory function) before and after treatment in 117 patients with myasthenia gravis is carried out. For comparative analysis of independent samples was used Mann — Whitney U-test, and for paired comparisons was used the Wilcoxon test. Results. The dynamics of oxidative homeostasis, clinical picture, indicators of instrumental methods of research (ENMG, respiratory function) in patients with myasthenia gravis, without thymoma and underwent thymectomy on the background of complex treatment with the use of antioxidant therapy is presented. In all studied groups against the background of complex treatment with application of antioxidant therapy increase in activity of antioxidant protection of organism and decrease in activity of free radical oxidation that correlates with clinical improvement in all groups of patients is noted. Conclusion. The use of antioxidant therapy in complex rehabilitation of patients with myasthenia gravis is pathogenetically justified, especially in patients without thymoma.
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