Investigation of the relationship between changes in thermographic and flowmetric parameters of skin peripheral hemodynamics in laboratory rats
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Datsenko A.V., Fomina T.V., Dyoshin I.A., Kazmin V.I.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Purpose: to determine the quantitative patterns and gradations of the degree of manifestation of changes in IRT indicators, depending on LDF data, corresponding to different conditions and peripheral blood flow disorders in the skin of laboratory rats. Material and Methods. Microcirculation of blood in bio-objects in background studies and immediately after the experimental modeling of hypobaric hypoxia was determined with the help of LDF, while simultaneously performing remote dynamic infrared thermography of the rats'tail skin. A comparison of LDF and IRT data was carried out using statistical methods of correlation-regression analysis. Results. The decrease in tissue blood flow was accompanied by a decrease in temperature, with an increase in perfusion of blood along the microcirculation pathways, the temperature of the skin surface increased. The quantitative criteria of experimental diagnostics in the form of boundary values and ranges of temperature indicators for an estimation of a different degree of severity of violations of the microcirculation of blood (peripheral hemodynamics) are determined. With a decrease or increase in tissue blood flow to 10, 10-25, 25-40 and more than 40% of the baseline (background control), the negative or positive skin surface temperature increase was up to 0.6, 0.6-1.2, 1.2-1.8 and more than 1.8°C respectively. Conclusion. Results of thermal imaging can be used as a criterion for predictive assessment of the state and changes in cutaneous peripheral blood flow in laboratory rats.
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