Interdisciplinary aspects of rehabilitation of patients with oncological diseases in non-terminal situation of the disease
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Review
Authors: Shmerkevich А.В., Vodolagin A.V., Balakina D.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Medical social rehabilitation of patients with oncological diseases in the non-terminal stage of the disease is based on the principle of an interdisciplinary approach, which involves complex special treatment, providing patients and their families with various types of social and psychological support at all stages of specialized care. The authors of the review consider the solution of medical and social problems in the rehabilitation of patients with oncological diseases in the context of the synergistic effect. Weak social and psychological protection of patients with oncological pathology adversely affects the prognosis of the disease and worsens patients quality of life. The review provides evidence that patients who receive social support are best adapted to the cancer situation, while a lack of social support is a significant risk factor for increased mortality in cancer patients.
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