Rehabilitation after hip and knee joints replacement: several results of medical and sociological monitoring
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Fedonnikov A.S., Andriyanova Е.А., Erugina M.V, Norkin I.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim: research of rehabilitation process problem areas after hip and knee joints replacement. Material and Methods. Program of monitoring and evaluation of medical, organizational, social and psychological components of rehabilitation was developed. Sociological study of 1175 patients who have undergone in 2015-2016 total hip and knee joints replacement was conducted. Results. It was revealed an absence of real interaction between key parties of rehabilitation processes based on significant disproportion between high level (more than 80%) of patients' satisfaction of rehabilitation organizing and low activity of health managers (9.4%). Despite of declared patients' high rehabilitation quality permanent pain noted by 45% of respondents, move freely without additional support is available only for about 50% of patients. Conclusion. Rehabilitation management and its' quality are the key values for locomotor system functional recovery. Provided study has designated main problems of rehabilitation quality evaluation after hip and knee joints replacement.
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