Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Оценка затрат на лечение пациентов с разными формами псориаза в условиях круглосуточного стационара

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №3 Pages: 612-616
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Shnaider D.A., Utz S.R., Zayarskiy D.A., Nechaeva O.V., Guskova O.P.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov State Technical University n.a. Yu.A. Gagarin, SEH «Saratov regional dermatovenerologic dispensary»

Aim: preliminary studies have made it possible to establish for the polymer a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity and to attribute it to low-toxic compounds. Material and Methods, the paper presents a comparative evaluation of the treatment of mild and moderate acne with the standard preparation adapalen+clindamycin and cosmetic product Mellisol to change the indices of the dermatological acne index (DAI). Results. The use of the cosmetic product "Mel-lisol" contributed to a significant reduction in the indices of CFU of bacteria. Conclusions. Using of the cosmetic product "Mellisol" is effective in the treatment of acne and showed its high efficacy and safety in the treatment of patients with mild and moderate acne.

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