Resonance radio wave diagnosis of localized sclerodermia: pilot study
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Moiseev A.A., Utz SR.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of the research was to study the diagnostic possibilities of the use of the active radiometry method for localized scleroderma (LS), both for monitoring the results of therapy, and for a comprehensive assessment of the functional state of body tissues in the study area, as well as the possibility of determining new foci of the disease. Material and Methods. In a pilot study, patients were presented with different forms of lesions and their different localization, as well as with different disease activity. The method of resonance wave diagnostics is implemented in the diagnostic complex "Aquafon". Results. The primary registration of wave activity in different types of foci may differ. The activity of the foci and the possibility of the appearance of new foci can be said not so much by the data of the initial measurements as by the integral data on their difference before and after the illumination procedure, which requires further study. Conclusion. It is necessary to improve the measurement technique, avoid places where the sensor is not well attached to the skin or minimize this effect. The research also aimed to conduct studies with simultaneous use of other methods.
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