Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Optimization of chronic kidney disease stages in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with the program "ChronicKidneyDiseaseDiagnostics"

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №3 Pages: 484-488
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Yarkova N.A., Borovkov А.А., Soloviyanova E.N.
Organization: N. Novgorod State Medical Academy

Objective: to evaluate the practical possibility of automated calculation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) on the basis of the developed computer program «Chronic_Kidney_Disease_Di-agnostics». Material and Methods. The study included 233 patients (78 men and 155 women) with type 2 diabetes who were hospitalized in the Neuroendocrinological Department of Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Hospital n.a. O. N. Semashko during the period from 2013 to 2016. The average age of patients was 57.75 years [52; 64]. According to the history the mean duration of type 2 diabetes was of 5.3 years [0.3; 8.0]. The average level of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) was 9.53% [7.0; 10.2]. All patients underwent clinical and laboratory an3 instrumental studies. The data obtained were entered into the program «Chronic_Kidney_Disease_Diagnostics» (authors: N.A. Yarkova, N.N. Borovkov, D.A. Terekhova). Statistical analysis of the results of research carried out by Statistica 7.0. Results. According to the study in patients with type 2 diabetes, chronic kidney disease has been identified in the pre-clinical stages C2 and C1 (56.2 and 25.8%, respectively). Conclusion. The program «Chronic_Kidney_Disease_Diagnostics» is intended for nephrologists, endocrinologists and therapists. It allows specialists to diagnose kidney CKD in patients in the therapeutic profile of the early preclinical stage. It is designed for quick calculation of glomerular filtration rate.

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