Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Pharmacoeconomic analysis of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the early stage and the most frequent comorbide conditions

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №3 Pages: 462-468
Heading: Parmacology Article type: Original article
Authors: Okonenko T.l., Khrutsky А.К., Okonenko L.B., Egorova E.S.
Organization: Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University

Objective: to define the regional structure of comorbid conditions of early rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and the cost of treatment. Material and Methods. Medical records of 100 patients with RA hospitalized in Velikiy Novgorod in 2010 and 2014 were analyzed. Range of drugs, used by doctors in the early stage of RA were considered, and and drugs were systematized. Pharmaceutical and economic analysis of medical records was conducted. Statistical data processing was executed using MS Excel. Results. A wide distribution of comorbid conditions in patients with early state of rheumatoid arthritis was established, the structure of concomitant pathology was determined. All the prescribed drugs and preparations with a frequency of more than 3% are allocated. The average cost for each drug use has been calculated, an ABC-analysis has been performed. Conclusion. Comparison of medical appointments and regulatory lists revealed that the standard is not fully observed. At an early stage of RA a high percentage of patients with comorbid conditions was noted (85.7-93.3%), predominantly cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, thyroid diseases. Cost of treatment of RA at an early stage and the most frequent comorbid status in 2014 has increased in comparison with 2010, the range of drugs in 2014 has decreased by 32%. The results of ABC-analysis of medicinal appointments revealed qualitative and quantitative changes in the major positions of the drugs.

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