Assessment of possibilities of transmission polarization mapping for the characterization of sclera macrostructure
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Shvachkina M.E., Pravdin А.В., Tikhonov D.A., Kamenskikh T.G., Yakovlev D.D., Yakovlev D.A.
Organization: Saratov state university, Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of the study is to assess possibilities of applying the method of transmission polarization mapping for characterization of sclera structure. Material and methods. In the work, samples of rat, rabbit, porcine, and human sclera were examined. Samples of the human sclera were taken (enucleation of the eyeball) from patients with diagnoses: terminal painful glaucoma, subatrophy of the eyeball. From the enucleated eyes, sclera samples were taken from the posterior pole of the eye and from the equator. The sample transparency required for carrying out transmission polarization mapping in thick samples was achieved using immersion optical clearing, 85% and 50% aqueous glycerol solutions and 40% aqueous glucose solution being used as immersion agents. The polarization mapping system used in this work was assembled on the basis of a polarization microscope equipped with a measuring video camera. Re-sults. It is shown that the method of transmission polarization mapping can be used to measure the parameters of the orientational order of scleral collagen fibers, mapping of human sclera samples requiring conduction of the polarization measurements under optical clearing conditions. Since the disorganization of collagen structures of eye connective tissue can be considered as the initial stage of glaucoma process, the technique of transmission polarization mapping can be used as a basis for in vitro studies of the pathogenesis of primary open-angle glaucoma. Conclusion. The potential and limitations of polarization mapping in studying sclera structure in vitro have been established.
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