Bones of sutures and fontanelles of a human skull
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Zaichenko А.А., Zhurkin K.l.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The purpose: to identify patterns of occurrence and formation of bone joints and bones of the human skull fontanelles vault. Material and Methods. 597 male and female skulls with the bones of the anterior and posterior fontanelle, the bones of the coronal, sagittal and lambdoid sutures, including skulls of 9 men and 8 women with skulls bone of anterior fontanelle were studied. The variability of the bone of the anterior fontanelle of 9 skulls of men 19-82 years old and 8 skulls of women 18-86 years old was studied to determine the common factors shaping the skull and unstable bones. The area of the anterior fontanelle bone, as well as its maximum longitudinal and transverse dimensions was measured. The longitudinal and transverse diameters of the skulls with the bones of the anterior fontanel were measured, their transverse-longitudinal index was calculated. Correlation analysis (including the calculation of the index tetrachoric connection and private first-order coefficient of correlation) and analysis of variance were used. Results. The relationship between the presence of bone fontanelles stronger association between bone joints, which suggests more probable existence of a single factor in the occurrence of bone fontanelles than joints of bones. The occurrence of bone fontanelles not connecting with the occurrence of joints of bones (except for weak connection bone anterior fontanelle and bone coronal suture), which may indicate the influence of various factors on their appearance, and therefore the study of non-metric features of the skull to unite the bones of joints and bones of fontanelle area in the same group is not valid. The longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the anterior fontanelle bone is not connected to each other, while the area of the bone is determined, above all, its longitudinal dimension and the value of the back (interparietal) part, due to which, obviously, in the studied tortoises area anterior fontanelle bone increases with dolicho-crania. Conclusion. The relationship between the presence of fontal bones is stronger than the connection between the presence of bone sutures. The origin of the bones of fontanelles is not associated with the appearance of bone seams. The longitudinal and transverse dimensions of the anterior fontanelle bone are not related to each other, and the area correlates mainly with the longitudinal dimension and the size of the posterior (intertemporal) part.
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