Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

№4, 2014, volume 10

The magnetic field near power lines in the Moscow region: the results of measurements and their analyze

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 761-765
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Prokofyeva A.S., Grigoriev O.A.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The aim: to analyze the real power frequency magnetic field (50 Hz) values near power lines. The material. Long-term measurements of the power frequency magnetic field (50 Hz) near power lines of 110 kV, 220 kVand 500 kVin the Moscow region. Methods. Measurements were made by tracks which were perpendicular to the wires. Length of tracks was up to 40 m. Sensor of measurer was located on 1.8 m under the ground. General quantity of measurement points were 1103. The results. Was obtained general characteristics of real values of strength of electric field and values of magnetic flux density depending to distance to the projection last wire near power lines. Conclusion. Analysis of the results has the values of the magnetic field of power lines correspond to the Russian rules in all cases. Using additional World Health Organization safety criteria for magnetic fields (the class of carcinogenic risks 2B) requires the expansion of the health safety zone 2-3 times.

Keywords: carcinogen, measurement, power line, the magnetic field

Psychological factors of professional success of nuclear power plant main control room operators

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 758-761
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Kosenkov A.A.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to conduct a comparative analysis of the psychological characteristics of the most and least successful main control room operators. Material and Methods. Two NPP staff groups: the most and least successful main control room operators, who worked in routine operating conditions, were surveyed. Expert evaluation method has been applied to identify the groups. The subjects were administered the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), Cattell's Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF form A) and Raven's Progressive Matrices test. Results. Numerous significant psychological differences between the groups of most and least successful control room operators were obtained: the best operators were significantly more introverted and correctly solved more logical tasks with smaller percentage of mistakes under time pressure than worst ones. Conclusions: 1. The psychodiagnostic methods used in the study were adequate to meet research objective 2. Tendency to introversion, as well as developed the ability to solve logic problems undertime pressure, apparently, are important professional qualities for control room operators. These indicators should be considered in the process of psychological selection and professional guidance of nuclear power plant operators.

Keywords: career guidance, main control room operators, nuclear power plant, psychodiagnostics, psychological selection

The formation of risk groups for development of occupational diseases during the pre-employment and periodic medical examinations to conduct recreational activities

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 754-758
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Bushmanov A. Yu., Kretov A.S., Kasymova O.A., Mamonova E.U., Gevorkyan E.M.
Organization: NP «National society of industrial medicine», State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Research objective. The purpose ofthe study was to develop methodology for the formation of groups at risk of developing chronic diseases and complex of measures for their prevention when carrying out a compulsory medical examination of workers. Materials and methods. The results of periodic medical examinations for 2012 were analyzed according to 19 the final acts and reports 61 subjects ofthe Russian Federation. The results ofthe examination ofthe connection between disease and occupation were analyzed according to 50 examination protocols ofthe Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency during 200-2010. Results. Based on the results ofthe conducted analysis methodology was developed to assess the risk of occupational disease fully meets the current legislative and regulatory framework of the Russian Federation and enable the individual and group level: to assess the risk of occupational diseases (high, medium, low, no); to identify possible nosological forms of diseases that should be expected, in accordance with the current list of occupational diseases; — to predict the presence or absence of responsibility employer for any case of occupational disease; to generate the necessary recommendations to the employer for the prevention of occupational diseases among workers. Conclusion. The method of formation of risk groups for development of occupational diseases recommended for medical organizations, conducting preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

Keywords: 302н, occupational risk, risk assessment, the pre-employment and periodic medical examinations

Expression of mature micro-RNA involved in the functioning of p53-dependent system of maintaining the genome stability of the individuals exposed to radiation at clinically relevant doses

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 749-753
Heading: Genetics Article type: Original article
Authors: Shulenina L.V., Galstyan I.A., Nadezhina N.M., Mikhailov V.F., Raeva N.F.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Purpose: to explore the content of mature micro-RNA involved in the functioning of p53-dependent system of maintaining the genome stability in the blood of patients in distant time after irradiation at clinically relevant doses and to compare these micro-RNA with the development of malignant tumors in the period of late consequences of radiation injury. Materials and methods. We used the blood samples of patients with acute radiation syndrome (ARS), acute radiation syndrome with the development of local radiation injury (ARS+LRI) and local radiation injury (LRI) obtained through 1-51 year after radiation injury. The mature mir34a, mir21, mir145, mir16, mir125b, Iet7a which contained in the common fractions of RNA were reverse transcribed by using specific "stem-loop" — primers. The relative amount of micro-RNA in blood of patients by real-time PCR. Statistical analysis of the results was carried out using the non-parametric Mann —Whitney test. Data are presented as median and quartiles, normalized to median of control group accepted for 1. Results. We found a significant reduction of content of mir34a, mir21 in the blood of patients with a diagnosis ARS and the increase of content of mir145 in patients with LRI. Analysis of the individual values of micro-RNA expression in the blood of patients whose cancer was detected, except for patients with a bazalioma, showed consistency of changes with risk of carcinogenesis. Conclusion. For the first time was investigated the functional activity of p53-dependent system of maintaining the genome stability by measuring of micro-RNA in the blood of patients after many years post radiation injury. We found a significant reduction of content of mir34a, mir21 in blood of patients with ARS, and increased mir145 in patients with LRI. Our results suggest that further research with groups of patients, and analysis the dynamics of micro-RNA content would allow for use the micro-RNA as indicators of risk of late consequences after ARS and LRI.

Keywords: radiation injury, micro-RNA., expression of p53

Immunogenetic markers of Crohn's disease in adults population of the Moscow region

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 743-749
Heading: Genetics Article type: Original article
Authors: Stavtsev D.S., Astrelina Т.А., Azova M.M., Lebedeva L.L., Pukhlikova T.V., Chumak A.A., Knyazev O.V., Eremin I.I., Gilmutdinova I.R., Kotenko K.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Blood transfusion station of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow

Aim: to study immunogenetic markers of predisposition to the development and protection for Crohn's disease in adults population of the Moscow region. Material and methods. The study included 53 samples of peripheral blood of patients with Crohn's disease in the Moscow region. The control group was represented by 1,700 samples of umbilical cord blood is healthy newborns. Revealing HLA antigens at low level performed by SSO method on DynalRELI 48 processor. The results received with ambiguous interpretation was using PCR-SSP method (Ivitrogen). Results. Were found the positive and negative associations of groups of HLA alleles with clinical form, the course of Crohn's disease and response to steroid treatment, in particular revealed that, predisposition to the development for Crohn's disease in women and with sensitivity to steroid treatment in this disease associated allele group C*12, to the characteristic restricting markers such as Crohn's disease include the В 38 and A*11 markers nonrestricting, nonpenetrating noninflammatory type groups are alleles B*56 and C*14 and C*14 is also associated with the risk of Crohn's disease in men, characteristic markers of protection to the development of the disease crown with chronic relapsing and severe clinical course are DQB1*02 and DQB1*03, respectively. Conclusion. These results demonstrate the need for studies of gene polymorphism HLA-system, not only in relation to the disease in general, but in selected patients with clinical groups.

Keywords: immunogenetic markers, HLA-antigens, Crohn’s disease

Characteristics of changes in the number of yH2AX and Rad51 protein foci in human skin fibroblasts after prolonged exposure to low-dose rate X-ray radiation

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 739-743
Heading: Genetics Article type: Original article
Authors: Ozerov I.V., Eremin P.S., Osipov A.N., Eremin I.I., Tsvetkova A.D., Guseva S.S., Ivanova K.Yu., Gavrilenko 0.I., Pustovalova M.V., Smetanina N.M., Grekhova A.K., Lazareva N.L., Pullin A.A., Maksimova О.A., Gordeev A.V., Bushmanov A.Yu., Kotenko K.V.
Organization: Lomonosov Moscow State University, State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to compare the repair process of DNA double-strand breaks in mammalian cells after acute versus prolonged exposure to X-ray irradiation with different dose rates. Material and methods. Studies were performed on primary human fibroblasts isolated from skin biopsies of healthy volunteers (women, 29 and 30 years). Cells were irradiated using an X-ray machine RUB RUST-M1 (JSC "Ruselectronics", Moscow, Russia) at 37°C temperature with a dose rate of 400 mGy/min (200 kV, 2*2.4 mA, a filter of 1.5mm AI) or 4 mGy/min (50 kV, 2*0.4 mA, a filter of 1.5 mm AI). Immuno-cytochemical protein staining was utilized for yH2AX and Rad51 foci analysis. Results. Phosphorylated histone H2AX (yH2AX) and the key protein of homologous recombination Rad51 foci formation and disappearance kinetics were investigated simultaneously in primary human dermal fibroblasts after acute and prolonged exposure to X-ray radiation at a same dose. It was shown that the relative yield of yH2AX foci per dose reduces with decrease in dose rate, while the relative yield of Rad51 foci conversely increases. Conclusion. Our findings suggest the fundamental differences in the ratio of non-homologous end joining and homologous recombination DNA repair in acute versus prolonged irradiated cells.

Keywords: Rad51, DNA double-strand breaks, DNA repair, fibroblasts, low dose-rate, X-ray, уН2АХ

Effect of incubation in sodium chloride hypertonic solutions on y-radiation and hydrogen peroxide induced DNA damage in human peripheral blood lymphocytes

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 735-739
Heading: Genetics Article type: Original article
Authors: Vorobyeva N.Yu., Arkhangelskaya E.Yu., Bushmanov A.Yu., Osipov A.N.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to study the effect incubation in NaCI hypertonic solutions on the yield of DNA single-strand breaks (SSB) and alkali-labile sites (ALS) induced by y-radiation and hydrogen peroxide in human peripheral blood lymphocytes in vitro. Material and methods. The lymphocytes isolated from the peripheral blood of healthy women donors aged 21-26 years were used for the study. Cell irradiation at doses of 1, 2, 3 and 5 Gy was performed using the "AGAT P1" unit (Russia, y-radiation source — 60Co, a dose rate of 1 Gy/min) at 4°C. In case of hydrogen peroxide exposure (25, 50 and 100 uM) the cells were incubated for 15 minutes at 4°C. Analysis of the DNA SSB and ALS was performed using the alkaline DNA comet assay. Results. Incubation of cells in 0.35 M NaCI solution (non-histone proteins dissociation) increases the yield of DNA SSB and ALS induced by v-radiation and hydrogen peroxide at ~ 1.3 times. Increasing the NaCI concentration to 0.6 M (linker histone H1 dissociation) leading to almost double increase in the DNA damage yield (~ 1.7-1.8 times). Further increasing the NaCI concentration leading to disruption of the structure of nucleosomes (1.2 M) and almost complete chromatin deproteinization (2 M) increased the yield of DNA damage not such pronounced as expected (~ 2.2-fold at 2 M concentration). Conclusion. The results showed that incubation in NaCI hypertonic solutions significantly increases the sensitivity of lymphocytes to DNA damaging action of free radicals.

Keywords: chromatin, comet assay, histories, hydrogen peroxide, hypertonic sodium chloride solutions, lymphocytes, single-strand DNA breaks, y-radiation

Health assessment of children and adolescents living in a residential area of production for the disposal of rocket fuel: according to the results of the medical examination

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 732-734
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Uiba V.V., Tarakanova S.Y., Alekhnovich A.V., Afanas'yev A.N.
Organization: Central children's clinical hospital of biomedical agency, State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to determine the real prevalence separate nosological forms in the child population living in residential zone installations for the disposal of rocket fuel. Materials and methods. By mobile teams of pediatric physicians there was conducted a comprehensive medical examination of 1621 children in the area of the site location for disposal of rocket engines solid fuel. Results. The surveyed contingent of the most common diseases of the endocrine system, disorders of nutrition and metabolism (21.2% of diagnoses), diseases of the musculoskeletal and connective tissue (19.2 percent), as well as individual symptoms, signs and deviations from the norm by 14.4%. Conclusion. Data indicating the pronounced impact of adverse environmental factors, not identified.

Keywords: adolescent, children, Federal Biomedical Agency, health, medical checkup, rocket fuel

The analysis of security with dentists in contemporary Russia

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 729-732
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Trifonova N.Y., Aleynikov A.S., Karimova D.Y., Lugovoy V.E., Shchukin A.l., Livshits S.A., Zlobin A.N.
Organization: Deputy chief physician of Center of Biotic Stomatology, State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to carry out the analysis of security with dentists in the country in new conditions of reforming. Materials and methods. In work the complex of methods of collecting and the analysis of materials of research is used: bibliographic, analytical, documentary (fragment of data from medical documentation), epidemiological, mathematical and statistical, current supervision. Results. The used integrated approach to tasks allowed to assess a situation on security with the orthopedic stomatologic help and its demand in a section of subjects of the country. The carried-out analysis showed that in general across Russia and in a number of its districts, coverage by routine inspections of the population has the resistant tendency to decrease which is especially expressed in the Volga Federal District (-15,8%). It led to reduction of number of the patients needing sanitation and received sanitation (it is maximum — in Ural federal district (-16,9%). According to official statistics the smallest number of the patients who received the orthopedic stomatologic help — inhabitants of North Caucasus federal district, maximum — Central Federal District. Conclusion. Thus, the analysis of a condition of stomatologic help in the country from 2006 to 2012 let us establish the highest attendance of experts in Volga (108,2% in 2006, 101,3% in 2012) and Central (100,3%-2006, 102,1 %-2012) federal districts, growth of attendance in North Caucasian (for 66,2%) and Far East (for 22%) federal districts. Coverage by routine inspections of the population by stomatologists had the resistant tendency to decrease which is especially expressed in the Volga Federal District (-15%). Decrease in possibility of identification of the patients needing in sanitation and number of the patients who received it was most expressed in Ural federal district: — 16,9%.

Keywords: dentist, reforming, security, shots

The estimated demand for doctors for city childrens polyclynic

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 727-729
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Tarakanova S.Y.
Organization: Central children's clinical hospital of biomedical agency

Aim: scientific substantiation of the estimated demand for doctors in certain specialties for city children's polyclinic. Material and methods: the analysis of 19 the governing documents of the Federal and regional level for the period from 1992 to 2012, 8 official reporting forms for the referral of the child population for medical care in outpatient clinics of Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region. Results. The calculated number of medical staff per 10,000 children's population will reach for the specialty pediatrician 9,0; dermatologist — 0,25; neurologist — 0,75; otorhynolaryngologist— 1,0; ophthalmologist — 0,75; surgeon to 0,5. Conclusion. The obtained results should be used in the planning and organization of health care child population.

Keywords: children health, Federal Biomedical Agency, the estimated need, the pediatrician