Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Analysis of observations of acute strokes during the period from 2009 till 2012


Objective: analysis of autopsy material of the patients who died with clinical diagnosis of stroke. Material and Methods. The protocols of postmortem investigations of 172 patients have been studied. The interested information were added to the questionnaire. Material was processed statistically. Results. It has been determined that 51,74% of dead patients were men and 48,26% were women. 96,9% of dead patients were from age group of 41-50 and 81-90 years respectively. The causes of death of the patients were edema of brain and pneumonia, which developed within 24 hours to 7 days. In 16,28% and 11.05% the death was fixed from 7 to 14 and from 14 to 28 days, respectively. The conclusive clinical diagnosis more commonly consisted of two basic diseases. Conclusion. There is a positive trend for improvement of the quality of diagnosis of stroke, to reduce the number of mistakes in conclusive clinical diagnosis.

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