Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Analysis of Effectiveness and Safety of Assisted Delivery

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №2 Pages: 346-349
Heading: Proceedings of all-Russia week of science with international participants Article type: Original article
Authors: Kozlova T.U., Khvorostukhina N.F., Novichkov D.A., Bebeshko O.I.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Aim: to study the outcomes of labour after the application of «KIWI» vacuum-system. Materials and Methods. Retrospective analysis of labour records with vacuum-extraction of fetus (main group: n=35) and with emergency cesarean section (comparison group: n=18)on indications similar to those in the main group, has been undertaken. Results. High rate of extragenital pathology in groups (70,7% and 72,3%) as well as aggravated obstetric-gynecologic anamnesis (36,9% and 55,6%) has been revealed. Pregnancies of 50,7% women of the main group have been complicated by placentofetal insufficiency and chronic fetal hypoxia; in the comparison group 27,7% threatened miscarriage has been observed accordingly in 20% and 33,3%. Conditions for vacuum extraction have been the following: fetus asphyxia (52,3%), labour pains weakness (47,7%). Having evaluated the state of health of the new-born children of the main groupstraight complications (cephalohematomas, cervical injury, subaponeurotic hemorrhage, Duchen-Erb paresis, intraventricularhemorrage) have been observed in 53,8% of children. In the comparison group direct complications have been marked in 22,3% of cases. Conclusions. Comparatively high rate of labour traumatism in the main group may be explained by violations in conditions and techniques of vacuum-extractions as well as by non-observance of indications and contra-indications for the application of this operational method during the labour of pregnant women of high risk groups.

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