Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Assessment of the role of microorganisms of respiratory tract in patients with progressive acute respiratory viral infections


The article presents the review of literature for the period from 1987 till 2012. It has been shown that the spread of acute respiratory viral infections (ARI) and the incidence of complications is of great social and economic importance worldwide. Therefore, the identification of etiological factors and associated development of ARI is an urgent task for practical health care. It is of great importance to determine both the type of pathogen and the presence of its pathogenic factors. The etiological agent of bacterial complications of ARI becomes Moraxella catarrhalis, featuring a large set of markers of virulence. In the development of the pathological process in the respiratory tract, adhesins, a number of enzymes and toxins produced by M.catarrhalis are important. It allows to persist and multiply in the body of the patient. Dangerous strains of M.catarrhalis, resistant to (3-lactam antibiotics and characterized by multiresistance greatly reduce the effectiveness of the therapy. Lack of laboratory studies in acute inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract leads to the reduction of the etiological interpretation of these diseases, inadequate etiotropic treatment and as a consequence — the development of complications that reduces the effectiveness of therapy. In conclusion it is necessary to improve the system of microbiological diagnostics and tactics of treatment of ARI patients.

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