Gender features of rheological properties of blood (plasma viscosity, aggregation and deformation of erythrocytes) in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kazantsev A.V., Suyetenkov D.Ye.,/Andronoy E.V./, J Firsova I.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The goal is to study gender features of rheological properties of blood in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis (CGP) from mild to moderate severity. Material and Methods. 80 patients (43.8% male) with CGP aged 42±5 years have been studied. 41 patients (43.9% male) experienced mild severity of CGP, and 39 patients (43.6% male) experienced moderate severity. 40 healthy adults (50% male), aged 31±7 years, have been included into the study. Plasma viscosity on shear rate values 300 sec1 to 5 sec1, and rheological features of erythrocytes (aggregation and deformation) have been evaluated. Results. In healthy women and women with mild severity of CGP, plasma viscosity was lower than in the similar group of men. The rheological features of erythrocytes have not gender differences among healthy adults and patients with mild CGP. Increased severity of CGP has been associated with increased plasma viscosity and rheological features of erythrocytes, particularly in men. Conclusion. Plasma viscosity differs in men and women (childbearing age) (healthy subjects and patients with CGP). In women, severity of pathological changes of plasma viscosity and rheological features of erythrocytes have been determined to be lower than in men.
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