Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Organization of medical rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease in a specialized clinical diagnostic room

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 927-931
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Krivonos О.V., Smolentseva I.G., Amosova N.A., Gubaydullina R.F.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The study aimed to create an organizational model of medical rehabilitation of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Material and methods. In medical institutions of Closed Administrative-Territorial Units of Russia (Seversk, Za-rechniy, Ozersk, Lesnoy, Sarov and Zheleznogorsk) in clinical and diagnostic rooms for providing care to patients with movement disorders there was created an organizational model of medical rehabilitation. Results. The organizational model of medical rehabilitation allowed to cover 100% of all PD patients. The main phases in the model were diagnosis and follow up care on the base of specialized clinical and diagnostic room, creating and performance of individual rehabilitation program with recreation therapist, educational sessions for patients and their relatives, evaluation effectiveness of rehabilitation measures, condition monitoring, assessment of antiparkinsonian therapy. Effectiveness of the rehabilitation in inpatient and outpatient settings was comparable. Conclusion. Creation and implementation of the organizational model of medical rehabilitation was possible only in specialized clinical and diagnostic rooms for diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. There were introduction of the phasing and basic directions rehabilitation program for PD patients have been worked.

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