Method and the device for measurement of volume activity of gas and aerosol fractions of radioactive aero disperse systems
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Tsovianov A.G., Karev A.E.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
The given article aims a development of the method and the device for the disperse analysis and simultaneous measurement of volume activity of aerosol and gas fractions of radioactive aero disperse systems. Importance of the article is concerned with the fact that for measuring volume activity of sample including gas and aerosol fractions it's necessary to measure an activity of both fractions. Taking into account the volume activity of only one fraction in other case can result to understatement of internal dose estimation induced by radioactive aerosols inhalation. The method includes separation of aerosol fraction from gas by inertial sedimentation on cascade elements of the impactor, the subsequent chemical transformation of a gas component of aero disperse system to a disperse phase by input of reagent vapors in a gas stream and sedimentation of the formed aerosol particles on the filter. The device can be used in the industry for control of radioactive pollution of the air environment.
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