Siofor influence on the process of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status at patients with metabolic syndrome
Heading: Endocrinology Article type: Original article
Authors: Chernysheva E.N., Panova T.N.
Organization: Astrakhan State Medical University
The Purpose of the work is to research siofor influence (metformin) on the activity of the process of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity of blood serum at patients with metabolic syndrome. Material and Methods. 62 patients with metabolic syndrome at the age from 30 till 60 were examined and treated by siofor (1700 mg per day) during a year. The process of lipid peroxidation was studied due to the level of lipid hydroperoxide of blood serum. Antioxidant capacity was based on the antioxidant reaction in the blood serum with definite number of exogenic hydrogen dioxide (mkmole/l) with the method of ELISA. Results. Intensification of process of lipid peroxidation has been observed at patients with metabolic syndrome —the level of lipid hydroperoxide of blood serum has been 2,9 (1,94; 3,9) mkM, antioxidant activity of blood serum has been decreased — 276,4 (239,0; 379,9) mkmole/l. In 12 months of siofor intake hydroperoxide level has been decreased till 1,1 (0,8; 1,9) mkM, but antioxidant activity has been increased and amounted 320,0 (278,9; 334,3) mkmole/l. Conclusion. Siofor has been proved to be a highly effective medicine for correction of process of lipid peroxidation and for improvement of antioxidant activity of blood serum at patients with metabolic syndrome.
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