Frequency of occurrence of chronic diseases among former athletes depending on gender
Heading: Therapeutic exercise, sports medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Fedotova I.V., Statsenko М.Е., Bakulin V.S., Sentyabrev N.N.
Organization: Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education, Volgograd State Medical University
The aim of the article is to study the analysis of the frequency of occurrence of chronic diseases among former athletes depending on gender — specific. Material and Methods. 80 former athletes who finished sports activity no more than 5 years ago (this period is adopted for the early post-sports period) at the age of 20-35 were examined. The analysis of medical records, inspection and consulting expertise required to verify the diagnosis. Results. Statistically significantly higher level of disease is defined among former male athletes in comparison with the women who have stopped regular training and competitions. Conclusions. The determined incidence of chronic disease in former athletes might be substantiated by the absence of proper medical care to former athletes immediately after the cessation of active training and competitions.
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