Prostate cancer diagnostics with biopsy material
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Fedorina Т.A., Poletaeva S.V.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The aim of the article is to study the potential importance of specific location of biopsy of prostate cancer. Material and methods. Histological material from 700 patients has been examinated. 580 specimen of radical prostatectomy were examined. TRUS-guided 12-cores biopsy has been performed in all patients. Histological, computer morphomet-ric, immunohistochemal methods (PIN4-coctail, AR) were used. Results. It has been established that undergrading of carcinoma in needle biopsy occurred in 26% of patients. Overgrading of carcinoma in needle biopsy may also occur, but it was only found in 3% of cases. Undergrading results have been explained by low amount of tumor elements taken from tiny areas of carcinoma, multicentric growth and heterogenous structure of tumor. Conclusions. An important task is to identify the minimal or limited adenocarcinoma in biopsies, as tumor of >1cc volume is often found in prostatectomy specimen.
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