Cytologic assessment of dynamics of reparative processes in the experimental conditionally aseptic wound under the action of complex preparation based on chitosan and metal nanoparticles
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Konyuchenko Е.А.. Zhandarova L.F., Babushkina I.V., Gladkova E.V., Mamonova I.A., Belova S.V., Karyakina E.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: assessment of dynamics of reparative processes with the help of cytological examination of the preparations obtained from a conditionally aseptic wound under the action of a complex preparation based on biopolymer chitosan and metal nanoparticles. Material and Methods. A conditionally aseptic wound was simulated in 40 white outbred rats. In comparison and experimental groups cytologic assessment of dynamics of reparative processes was carried out. A number of neutrophilic leukocytes and fibroblastic row perl 00 cells in the preparations is recorded on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 14th day from the moment of formation of the wound with the use of the immersion objective. Results. It is established, that in the comparison group the cytologic pattern of impression smear was characterized by decrease in neutrophilic leukocytes and increase in fibroblastic row cells by the 14th day from the moment of formation of the wound. In the experimental group (the use of a complex preparation) more intensive reduction of neutrophilic leukocytes and a significant increase in fibroblastic row cells by the 10th day and a complete healing by the 14th day from the moment of formation of the wound has been determined. Conclusion. When treated by a complex preparation based of biopolymer chitosan and metal nanoparticles earlier occurrence of fibroblastic row cells in preparations and a significant decrease in quantity of neutrophilic leukocytes have been observed.
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