Morphological changes in bone tissue around titanium implants subjected to micro-arc oxidation in alkaline electrolytes with and without the use of «CollapAn-gel»
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kalmin O.V., Rozen М.А., Nikishin D.V.
Organization: Penza State University
The purpose of the article is to conduct comparative study of the features of reparative processes in the bone during installation of titanium implants with sandblasted exposed microarc subsequent oxidation in alkaline electrolyte using osteoinductive formulation without the use of this preparation. Material and Methods. Histologically examined tissue samples from 24 adult rabbits in the region of titanium implant with osteoinductive formulation and without after 7, 14, 28, 56 and 112 days postoperatively. Results. It has been revealed that the installation of titanium implants subjected to micro-arc oxidation in alkaline electrolytes without the use of osteoinductive preparation leads to a moderate inflammatory response and the processes of bone formation take more time. When using identical implants with osteoinductive preparation «CollapAn-gel» led to a less expressed inflammatory response and a more active process of bone formation. Conclusion. The use of titanium implants subjected to sandblasting followed microarc oxidation in alkaline electrolytes is optimally combined with osteoinductive agents as it provides the best clinical results and highlights shorter time of bone regeneration.
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