Relation of linear parameters of anterior cranial fossa with dimensional characteristics of facial part of the skull in different craniotypes
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Aleshkina О.Yu., Hurchak Yu.A., Polkovova I.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: to determine the relation of linear parameters of the anterior cranial fossa with dimensional facial characteristics of the human skull in various craniotypes. Research Material: 100 adult skulls divided into three craniotypes have been used. Methods. Craniotopometry has been used for the measurement of the average values and the correlation model construction. Results. It has been revealed that the most significant correlation has been observed in the parameters of fleksibasilar craniotypes, in medio- and platybasilar craniotypes the multidirectional dependence of the studied parameters has been characterized as of moderate and mild degree. Conclusion. Results of research are necessary theoretical base for possible use by clinical physicians in elaboration of tactics of stereotaksichesky approach to tumoral or other pathological processes in the field of front and brain departments of a skull.
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