Scientific substantiation for the analysis of medical and social aspects of a healthy lifestyle as a basis of the effectiveness of rehabilitation in the modern conditions
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Shapovalenko T.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Efficiency of performed rehabilitation events in many respects depends on a state of health of the person which, in turn, directly depends on his/her medico-social activity. Aims: analysis of medico-social aspects of a healthy lifestyle of medical workers and patients of the center of recovery medicine and rehabilitation. Material and Methods. According to specially developed anonymous questionnaires there had been the research of the personnel (410 questionnaires) and patients (300 questionnaires) of the Center of recovery medicine and rehabilitation of Federal State Budgetary Institution Medical and Rehabilitation Center of Ministry of Health of Russia (TsVMR). Results. It is shown that the majority of participants regardless of professional functions and responsibilities understand an important role of healthy food and try to observe the correct diet, however, medical workers take this component of a healthy lifestyle more seriously. Thus the most part of citizens not having a direct bearing on health system are reluctant to care abot questions of healthy food, this emphasizes insufficiency of sanitary and hygienic education. Conclusion. Results of research can be used for development of scientific bases of increase of the efficiency of rehabilitation and recovery treatment in modern conditions.
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