Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Atopic dermatitis and sexual behavior of women

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №3 Pages: 534-540
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Astafieva N.G., Yeryomina М.G., Yeryomin А.V., Igonina I.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The study presents the results of a comparative analysis of atopic dermatitis influence on the major determinants of human life. With the help of the specific questionnaire «Dermatology specific quality of life» (DSQL) there had been revealed that atopic dermatitis had more evident effect on the physical status, social functioning, daily activity, the self-perception level and mental well-being in females, compared with males. Using a special «Women «s Health Questionnaire» (WHQ) there had been demonstrated that atopic dermatitis had a significant negative effect on sexual health and behavior of women, causing a distress state.

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