Phototherapy in complex treatment of patients with lichen planus
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Reshetnikova Е.М., Utz S.R., Slesarenko N.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aims. Estimating of the efficiency of different immunosuppressive methods in patients with lichen planus and choice of tactics of treatment. Materials and methods. The study included 60 patients with disseminated forms of lichen planus in age from 10 to 60 years. Patients have received various types of immunosuppressive therapy (cyclosporine, hormones, PUVA therapy, UVA-1-therapy) and in accordance with this were divided into 4 groups. Results. Clinical resolution or significant improvement in short terms has been achieved mainly as a result of hormone therapy and physiotherapy methods, but not all of these methods are well tolerated in patients. Conclusion. The results showed that the enhancement of local treatment expense physiotherapeutic techniques (UVA-1 therapy), contributes to more rapid clinical resolution, and safer for the patient.
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