№1, 2013, volume 9
Микроинвазивная хромовитрэктомия 25+ Gauge в лечении пациентов с идиопатиче-скими макулярными отверстиями
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Стебнев B.C., Малое В.М.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
Purpose: The features and results of the surgical treatment of idiopathic macular holes with application of modern microinvasive 25+ Gauge chromovitrectomy and endovitriol dye BrilliantBlue G have been studied in the article. Materials and methods: The surgical treatment of 45 patients with macular holes aged 58,4 +/-10,3 years has been performed. Results: Microinvasive 25+Gauge chromovitrectomy with application of endovitriol dye BrilliantBlueG allows to achieve high anatomic and functional results in treatment of idiopathic macular holes in the early and remote periods of supervision. Intraoperative and postoperative complications have been analyzed with anatomic and functional results. Conclusion: It has been revealed that modern microinvasive 25+ Gauge chromovitrectomy with application of endovitriol dye BrilliantBlueG makes the surgery easier and more effective.
The study of a balance function using video stabilom-etry in patients with ataxia
Heading: Otolaryngology Article type: Original article
Authors: Mareev О.V., Sholomov I.I., Gorozhankin А. V., Monakhova O.A.
Organization: Engels Technological Institute of Saratov State Technical University n.a. Yu.A. Gagarin
The aim of the study is to assess the condition of balance function in patients with different diseases. Materials and methods: The study has been performed on 82 patients divided into the following groups: patients with Menier»s disease, with multiple sclerosis, chronic cerebral ischemia, and persons without pathology of balance function, which have composed the comparison group. Statistical evaluation of video stabilometric data of patients in these groups has been performed. Results: Reliable differences between stabilometric parameters in patients with disorder of balance function and patients of comparison group have been revealed. Conclusion: Video stabilometry may be applied as an objective method for evaluation of balance function in order to detect different pathological states.
Comparative analysis of methods of preinvasive melanoma diagnostics
Heading: Oncology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kozlov S.V., Neretin Е.У.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The article discusses one of the problems of oncology — skin melanoma. The research objective is to study and to compare diagnostic methods of preinvasive melanoma including fluorescence diagnosis, dermatoscopy and microwave radiometry. Materials and Methods: The survey has used dermatoscope of Heine Delta 20 Company, the unit RTM-01-RES and the instrument of fluorescent diagnostics «Spectrum-Cluster.» The results suggest the possibility of early detection of melanoma with the use of dermatoscopy. The method may be applied to radiometry screening study. Fluorescence diagnostics is effective for the differential diagnosis of melanoma and melanocytic nevi. In conclusion it has been proved the need for an integrated approach to the diagnostics of melanoma of skin, depending on the different clinical situations.
Features of the reaction of hourly haemostasis against the background of hyperbaric oxygenation patients with complicated spinal cord injuries
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Shchukovsky V.V., Ulianov V.Yu., Bazhanov S.P.
Purpose: to improve the treatment results of patients with complicated injuries of the cervical spine on the basis of an hourly study of the reaction of the hemostatic system after the application of hyperbaric oxygenation. Materials and Methods. The subject of the study were 12 patients with complicated closed cervical spine trauma. In the study group characteristics were studied hourly reaction of the hemostatic system during treatment with hyperbaric oxygenation. Results. Found that patients with traumatic spinal cord disease, changes in the hemostatic system in the form of a coherent structural and phase changes in the structural chronometric anticoagulation and chronometric hypercoagula-bility, activation and inhibition of fibrinolysis, and reduced the extent of time and the overall rate of platelet aggregation. Conclusion. Under the influence of hyperbaric oxygenation in patients with traumatic spinal cord disease arise adaptive changes in the regulation of blood aggregation.
Analysis of changes in white matter of brain and cognitive disturbances in patients with chronic heart failure and ischemic heart disease
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Shvarts Y.G., Akimova N.S., Martynovich Т.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The aim of the article is to study the relation of chronic heart failure, cognitive disturbances and changes in white matter of brain. Material et methods: Cognitive tests, echocardiography, MRI of brain and measurement of NT-proBNP in venous blood have been performed in 57 patients with l-IV functional class of chronic heart failure. Program STATISTICA 7 (methods of nonparametric correlation analysis) has been used to assess the results. Results: It has been established that during the increase of severity of CHF decrease in the thickness of medium-sized peduncles of cerebellum and the changes of coefficients of diffusion of water molecules in white matter have been marked. Conclusions: On the basis of these findings it has been determined that CHF is an independent cause of micromorphological brain damage and later the progressive atrophy of white matter. It clearly shows that the cerebral changes cause cognitive dysfunction.
The diagnostic importance of phase transitions in liquor at a craniocereberal trauma
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Ivanova N.E., Shadrin Е.В., Vaskova N.L.
Organization: Russian A.L. Polenov Neurosurgical Institute
Purpose. The purpose of the work is an investigation of biophysical properties of liquors of patients with a craniocereberal trauma. This investigation has been directed on definition of a degree of a brain defeat, the forecast of the further current of disease and development of methods treatment. Materials and methods. Liquor was undertaken from 62 patients with the diagnosis of an craniocereberal trauma. Research of thermo-impedancemetry of liquors was made with the help of equipment for measurement of temperature dependence of an electric impedance of ditches with a researched liquid. On the -shaped site?function of dependence of a full impedance from temperature the was observed. This site is due to globule-ball phase transition in liquor albumens. Result. It is shown, that numerical values of parameters of phase transition correlate with albumen concentration in liquor. Values of correlation factors are directly proportional to concentration of albumen. Conclusion. It is established, that numerical values of thermo-impedancemetry parameters of curves are directly connected to a degree of a brain defeat and can be used as diagnostic and prognostic criteria.
Epidemiological and clinical features of patients with disseminated sclerosis in Perm region
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Zhelnin A.V.
Organization: Perm Clinical Hospital
The purpose of the article is to identify the epidemiological and clinical features of disseminated sclerosis (DS) in Perm region. Material and methods: Data have been analyzed in 932 patients with DS. Among them there were 607 women (65%) and 325 men (35%). The age of patients with DS varied from 17 to 68 years, in average 44,5±4,5years. All the patients have experienced comprehensive clinical and neurological study, MRI study of brain and spinal cord. Calculation of prevalence and incidence has been conducted among 100,000 people. Results: The prevalence of DS in Perm region on January 1, 2011 amounted to 35.1 cases perthe population of 100,000 people, which can be attributed to our region to the zone of medium risk of DS developing. The growth of incidence of DS in Perm region has been revealed. It has been determined that in 1997 the incidence of DS averaged 3.2. Risk factors have been identified. Conclusion: The data on the prevalence and incidence of disseminated sclerosis help improve the quality of treatment and preventive care for patients with disseminated sclerosis.
State of cardiovascular system during exercise in sportsmen
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Usanov D.A., Protopopov А.А., SkripalA.V.,AveryanovA.P., Kashchavtsev Е.О.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov state university
The purpose of the article is to study the state of cardiovascular system of sportsmen involved in rowing and canoeing, both before and after training. Material et methods: The research has been performed by means of the developed mobile devices that allow non-invasive screening assessment of the potential risk of collapse complications. Results: The article outlines the results of the survey carried out to determine the presence of vagotonic tone with deficient activity supply and abnormal pulse wave that may lead to circulatory collapse in exercise. Conclusion: The technique of pulse wave and vegetative regulation assessment before and after training enables to prevent the circulatory collapse development in stressful physical exertion in sportsmen.
Respiratory tests in diagnostics of Helicobacter pylori infection
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Mayev I. V. Samsonov A.A. Ayvazova R.A. Rapoport S.I. Grechushnikov V.В., Afonin B.V., Sakovich L.V.
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov, Moscow Central Hospital № 6, Head of Endoscopic Ward, Moscow State Medical Stomatological University n.a. A. I. Evdokimov, State Scientific Center of Medico-biological Problems, ООО TSD ISOTOPES Ltd
The Research Objective: Comparative assessment of informational content of various techniques, respiratory tests for Helicobacteriosis detection. Methods et methods: Research of existence of H.pylori in stomach has been conducted by respiratory tests in 106 patients with various diseases of stomach and duodenum. All researches have been conducted on an outpatient basis. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with mucous biopsy and determination of H.pylori in biopsy materials have been followed by respiratory tests. Respiratory tests 13C UBT and 14C UBT have been carried out. The comparative analysis of respiratory tests for Helicobacteriosis detection has been performed. Results: The conducted researches have showed that, the respiratory tests are favourable for H.pylori diagnostics. They are methodically simple and short-term. Conclusion: Results of comparative researches showed that ammoniac respiratory tests for Helicobacteriosis detection in stomach possess lesser sensitivity than the 13C UBT — respiratory test and may be used for the primary diagnostics which results demand carrying out additional methods of diagnostics. Low specificity of these techniques and inauthentic results do not control the efficiency of eradication of H.pylori and do not present any value in medical examination of the population.
Assessment of myocardial strain and strain rate by tissue doppler echocar-diography
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Review
Authors: Ekimova N.A., Katkova LA., Furman N.V.
Organization: Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia
The objective of the article is to review the current data on the method of quantitative evaluation of cardiac mechanics — assessment of myocardial strain and strain rate according to the results of the tissue Doppler echocardiography and prospects of its clinical application.