Postoperative monitoring of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) after treatment with high-intensive focused ultrasound (HIFU
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: Popkov V.M., Fomkin R.N., Blyumberg B.I.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Research objective: to estimate efficiency of treatment of prostate cancer using high-intensive focused ultrasound on the basis of laboratory analysis of postoperative level prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Objects of research. Objects of research consisted of 110 patients treated in urological clinic of Hospital n.a. S. R. Mirotvortsev (Saratov State Medical University) during the period February, 2009 — March, 2012. Patients took 110 sessions of primary operative treatment of prostate cancer by HIFU therapy method. Technique and research methods. Concentration of PSA in blood changed in all patients every 1,5 month within 6 months after operation, irrespective of its kind (including after repeated HIFU), further — after every 3 month till one year, and later on after 6 months. We were guided by references of the International Consensus, which considers PSA level more than 0,5 ng/ml in blood after 3 months of treatment to be unsatisfactory result. We also headed for PSA level before treatment and oncological risk degree. Results. Median nadir formed 0,5 ng/ml PSA by 3 months after treatment. Patients demonstrated different indicators of PSA dynamics depending on oncological risk, stage and hormonal therapy management. Patients with low oncological risk had initially lower PSA concentration, further PSA concentration reached nadir level faster. At patients with widespread forms of prostate cancer accurate dependence of PSA concentration according to prevalence of process was traced. Time of PSA nadir amount did not differ and was marked as 12-14 weeks on average. At patients received hormonal therapy, lower value of PSA nadir was marked. The conclusion. Monitoring of PSA concentration (PSA nadir by 3 months, dynamics of PSA concentration change) is of great importance in early revealing of relapse after prostate HIFU therapy. High level of PSA nadir and PSA growth according to time period are important prognostic factors.
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