Characteristics of platelet aggregative ability at patients with brain infarction and marked stenosis of cerebral arteries
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Stepanova Yu.l., Gontchar I.A., Likchachev S.A.
The central part of brain infarction (Bl) pathogenesis is hemostatic blood activation. Aim: to study platelet aggregative ability in dynamics of acute Bl at the marked stenosis of cerebral arteries (>50%). Materials and methods. Investigation included 39 patients at acute Bl with average age 73,9±8,3 years. Control group consisted of 18 healthy persons with average age 60,2±6,8 years. Evaluation of platelet aggregation was performed with application of light-transmission aggregometer «SOLAR» (RB) and aggregation inductors — solutions of adenosine diphosphate with concentration of 0,5 и 2,0 umol/l and collagen of 2,0mg/ml concentration. Results. Significant hyperaggregation platelet reaction on the 1 st and 10th days of hospitalization without positive changes under treatment has been revealed. Conclusion. Thus, obtained results prove the necessity of monitoring of individual patients sensitivity to antiplatelet therapy in secondary prevention of ischemic stroke with optical aggregometry and inductors complex.
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