Nongaseous exchange functions of lungs in common severe viral-bacterial pneumonia genesis
Year: 2012, volume 8 Issue: №3 Pages: 738-744
Heading: Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Article type: Review
Authors: Zeulina Е.Е., SadchikovD. V., Blokhina E.О.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Heading: Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Article type: Review
Authors: Zeulina Е.Е., SadchikovD. V., Blokhina E.О.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The review presents modern definitions, classifications and criteria of severity of common viral-bacterial pneumonia. The study of literature about the role of metabolic functions of the lungs in the genesis of severe common viral-bacterial pneumonia has allowed the formulations of anew period in the intensive care based on the study of noradrenalin inactivating functions of the lungs.
Keywords: severe pneumonia, metabolic function of the lungs, inflammation, hemodynamics, catecholamines
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