Dynamics of processes of free lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection when the development of infectious-inflammatory complications in acute and early periods of spinal cord traumatic disease
Heading: Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Ulianov V.Yu., Bazhanov S.P., Konyuchenko EA., Shchukovsky V.V.
Objective: to study the dynamics of individual indicators of free radical lipid peroxidation and antioxidant defense in acute and early periods of traumatic disease of the spinal cord during the development of infectious and inflammatory complications. Material and methods. An analysis of selected indicators of free radical lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection in the development of infectious-inflammatory complications in the acute and early periods of traumatic disease of the spinal cord. In the state of the studied groups of lipid peroxydation was evaluated on the content of malon dialdehyde, antioxidant protection — at the level of ceruloplasmin and superoxidedismutase. Results. In patients with traumatic spinal cord disease in the absence of infectious and inflammatory complications revealed monophasic increase in the concentrations of the studied parameters in the 1-4th day after injury, followed by a gradual decrease in its 30th day. With the development of traumatic disease of the spinal cord is marked as a two-phase activation of the mechanisms of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities of systems occurring in the 1-4th and 14th day from the date of injury with a subsequent decrease in their 30th day. Conclusion. The findings suggest that differences in the metabolic response depending on the absence or presence of infectious-inflammatory process.
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