2011, volume 7
Features of neurological and neuropsychological changes in the initial stages of encephalopathy in patients with idiopathic epilepsy
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Burdakov V.V. Gumalatova N.V.
Organization: Orenburg State Medical University, Municipal health clinic Municipal Clinical Hospital № 3, Orenburg
Aim. The study was undertaken to identify the features of neurological and cognitive changes in idiopathic epilepsy based on neurological and neuropsychological research. Methods. A total of 105 patients with idiopathic epilepsy at the age of 16 to 45 years. In orderto identify features neuropsychological disturbances, all patients were systematized by the nature and frequency of seizures. Results. As a result of the work identified major the nature neurological and neuropsychological symptoms and syndromes of primary stages of encephalopathy in patients with idiopathic epilepsy
Antihypertensive therapy influence on clinical and psychological characteristics of patients with hypertensive encephalopathy
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Belova LA., Gavrilyuk O.V., Mashin V.V., Belova N.V., Biktimirova K.T., Pinkova E.A.
Organization: Ulyanovsk State University
Aim: to analyze the influence of antihypertensive therapy (AT) on clinical and psychological characteristics of patients with hypertensive encephalopathy (HE). Materials: 107 patients with HE l-lll were given inadequate AT and therefore were under the study. Diurnal blood pressure monitoring (DBPM), neurological status, asthenic disorder level, life quality (LQ) parameters, sleep quality and attitude-to-disease type were estimated. The patients were re-examined in 6-month period after prescribing an adequate AT. The control group included 30 healthy patients. Results: in the process of AT daily average indices of blood pressure (BP) were able to be matched with the control indices, the number of patients with normal degree of night BP decrease raised. Physical and psychological health constituents were increased. Sleep quality improved. The increase of patients with well-balanced attitude-to-disease type was fixed. Resume: the use of the modern antihypertensive drugs affects the clinical and psychological characteristics of HE patients positively
Level of circulating cytokines and microelements in patients with hemorrhagic fever accompanied by renal syndrome
Heading: Infectious Diseases Article type: Short message
Authors: Khasanova G.M.
Organization: Bashkir State Medical University of the Russian Health Care
The research goal is to examine the interrelation of cytokines level (INF-y, TNF-a, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10) and concentration of microelements in blood of patients with hemorrhagic fever accompanied by renal syndrome. 292 patients aged 18-59 years have been examined.Enzyme immunodetection has been carried out by using reagents from «Vector-Best» (Novosibirsk). The content of microelements in blood plasma has been estimated by mass spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-MS; Elan-9000, PerkinElmer, USA) and atomic emission spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma (ICP-OES; Optima-2000 DV, PerkinElmer, USA). A direct correlation between zinc, selenium, the level of IL-2 and lead, aluminum, the level of TNF-a has been found out. The negative correlation between aluminum concentration and the level of IF-y has been determined
Epizootic Situation at Rabies in Saratov Region
Heading: Infectious Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Eryomin V.I., Zayats N.A., Narkaytis L.I., Lavrentiev M.V., Krasilnikova N.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Administration of Federal Agency for Supervision in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Well-being in Saratov region
The purpose of the study was to investigate epizootic situation at rabies in Saratov region during the period from 2000 to 2010. Materials and methods. Retrospective analysis of rabies morbidity of wild and farm animals was conducted. Results. During the reporting period an increase of animals' morbidity, accompanied by extension of unfavorable settlements in case of this disease was marked. Annual rate of diseased animals is defined by seasonal activity changes of foxes. The main carriers of rabies virus in the region are foxes. Conclusion. Epizootic situation at rabies in Saratov region is evaluated as unfavorable
The long term results of pediatric esotropia surgery performed according to new scheme of muscle recession / resection
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Zhukova О.V., Stepanov V.K., Zolotarev А.V.
Organization: Samara State Medical University, Samara Clinical Ophthalmologic Hospital n.a. T.I. Eroshevsky
The purpose of the investigation is to evaluate the long term results of surgical treatment in children with esotropia, operated according to new scheme of muscle procedures. Materials. The retrospective analysis of surgical treatment in 50 children with esotropia was made. The new scheme of muscle recession / resection was used. Results. The duration of monitoring was 1-5 years. More then half of all patients has ortotropia, even in cases with 25° primary deviation angle. Almost 40% of patients has increasing of visual acuity of amblyopic eye and binocular functions. Conclusion. The new scheme of muscle recession / resection allows to receive ortotropia after surgical treatment in large esotropia and avoid the reoperations. Using of the new scheme of strabismus surgery don't increase the quantity of secondary exodeviation
Pathology of digestive organs at adiposity (review)
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Review
Authors: Anisimova E.V., Kozlova I.V., Volkov S.V., Meshcherjakov V.L.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The review is devoted demonstration of communication of adiposity with occurrence of diseases of digestive organs. The problem urgency is caused by steady increase in number of patients with adiposity, involving in pathological process of vitals. Clinical changes from digestive organs at patients with adiposity can be the diversified, presence « two-dimensional syndromes», caused multiorgans a pathology is characteristic
Prognostic value of heart rhythm variability in patients with chronic heart failure (three-year investigation)
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Kosheleva N.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim: to estimate prognostic value of indicators of heart rhythm variability (HRV) in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) within three years. Materials and methods: A total of 110 patients aged 55,2±6,5 years with CHF experienced Q-wave myocardial infarction were enrolled in the study. Analysis of HRV measures was obtained by means of 5 minutes records of standing at rest. Results: Within three years of supervision of patients 50 cases of cardiovascular complications were developed: 22 cases presented CHF regeneration, 13 patients suffered recurrent myocardial infarctions, lethal outcome was observed in 15 cases. It was established that at level of low-frequency spectrum HRV less than 5,2 In ms2 decompensations CHF (p=0,048) and lethal outcome (p=0,02) were determined than at bigger value of this indicator. Independent predictors of lethal outcome in patients with CHF within three years included the left ventricle ejection fraction, uric acid, N-terminal fragment of cerebral natriuretic peptide and low-frequency spectrum HRV. Conclusions: The developed algorithm of estimation of individual risk of lethal outcome development in CHF patients within three years, will allow to improve tactics and prognosis in this category of patients
Dynamic regulation of cerebral blood flow and it's clinical, and laboratory markers in elderly patients with arterial hypertension
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Malinova L.I., Sadjaya L.A., Tikhonova L.A.
Organization: Saratov Road Clinical Hospital, Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia
Aim: to estimate the dynamic regulation of cerebral blood flow (CBF) and significance of clinical, and laboratory parameters as a possible markers of CBF violations. Material. 179 elderly patients with arterial hypertension were involved in the study. Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography (Philips Envisor HD, USA) was used for CBF parameters dynamics during orthostatic hypotension. Results. Main directions of CBF parameters changings (Friedman ANOVA p 0,0091 ... 0,012, coeff. of concordance 0,308 ... 0,691) were detected. Gender differences of CBF parameters, as well as blood pressure level influence upon CBF regulation during orthostatic hypertension were studied. Conclusion. Received data allow us to consider gender, controlled or uncontrolled hypertension, cytomorphological parameters of peripheral blood, diuretics usage as clinical, and laboratory markers of dynamic regulation of CBF in elderly patients with arterial hypertension
Renal dysfunction and state of metabolic and hemodynamic factors in patients with arterial hypertension
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Kurkina T.V., Bogoslovskaya S.I., Svistunov А.А., Kodochigova A.L, Glybochko G.Kh., Klochkov V.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Regional Hospital for Veterans of Wars, Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia, First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov
The aim of the investigation is to carry out comparative evaluation of metabolic and hemodynamic indices in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and renal dysfunction; to study the interrelation between arterial blood pressure level normalization and the presence or lack of microalbuminuria (MAU) in the morning urine portion of patients with AH after therapy with antihypertensive preparations (APs) of various groups. Methods. 121 persons have been investigated, 91 out — patients of both sexes, aged 33-55, with the diagnosis of arterial hypertension of stage II risk III, who have been taking Perindopril, Telmisartan and Bisoprolol for3 months. The control of arterial pressure level, biochemical analysis of metabolic indices and morning urine portion test for microalbuminuria has been carried out. Results. MAU has been revealed in 17,6% patients, occurring more frequently in men than in women. Microalbuminuria is accompanied by reliable decrease of total and ionized calcium and magnesium concentrations, an increase of potassium level in blood plasma, increase of cholesterol, triglycerides, glucose and levels. Patients with AH and renal dysfunction reliably demonstrate higher levels of systolic and diastolic arterial pressure in the morning and evening hours, their normalization effect after APs intake is significantly interconnected with MAU presence. Conclusion. In patients with AH and MAU the main risk factors of cardio-vascular diseases development are more expressed. Microalbuminuria is a risk factor in patients with arterial hypertension and may influence on the basic blood electrolyte balance. While carrying out antihypertensive therapy the presence of MAU should be taken into consideration
Anemic syndrome in patients with ischemic heart disease and chronic heart failure (review)
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Review
Authors: Kaluta Т.Yu., Suvorova S.A., Shvarts Y.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Anemic syndrome of different severity often accompanies ischemic heart disease (IHD) and chronic heart failure (CHF). Anemia has association with unfavorable prognosis in patients with all forms of CVD — acute and chronic. In this article the authors summarize a literature review of English articles dedicated to the problem of anemia and ischemic heart disease (IHD) and the results of original research on the relationship between anemic syndrome and prognosis in the hospitalized patients with IHD and chronic heart failure (CHF). Anemia is frequently observed in patients with CHF, and evidence suggests that anemia might be associated with an increased mortality in both systolic and diastolic chronic heart failure (CHF), morbidity and rate of hospitalization in CHF patients. Moreover, CHF itself could be involved in the pathogenesis of anemia. Early studies suggested a pathogenic role of inflammation mediators. The normalization of hemoglobin concentration by EPO and iron supply in patients with CHF and chronic renal insufficiency results in improved exercise capacity by increasing oxygen delivery and improving cardiac function. However, there is limited information concerning the association of hemoglobin concentration and new onset of clinically recognized coronary artery disease, and lack of information about the effect of anemia treatment on prognosis of acute forms of IHD