Surgery of vertebral bodies compressive fractures according to results of algorithm of osteoporosis radial diagnostics
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Tomilov А.В., Eidlina Е.М., Kuznetsova N.L.
Organization: Uralsk Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics n. a. V.D. Chaklin
The research goal is to optimize the algorithm of radial methods of investigation of early vertebral osteoporosis and vertebral compressive fractures in case of osteoporosis, as well as surgical tactics in vertebral compressive fractures, aggravated by osteoporosis. 220 postmenopausal women have been examined. 100 patients with compressive vertebral fractures and 120 patients without risk factors of compressive fractures were under study. 220 patients have received lateral spinal radiography and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. 60 patients with compressive vertebral fractures have been examined by quantitative computed tomography. Compressive fractures have been diagnosed in 20 men who suffered from osteoporosis. Statistical processing of received data has been performed. It has been concluded that the use of quantitative computed tomography has made possible to identify the reduction in bone mineralization with an increase in age of patients. When the difficulties in interpretation of clinical data and X-ray densitometry findings have been determined, quantitative computed tomography has occurred to be the method of choice. Quantitative computed tomography helps determine the degree of resorption of trabecular bone in vertebral bodies and prognose high risk of fractures. Surgeries have been performed in presence of osteoporosis which does not affect the stability of the structure.
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