Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Steps in computerizing the enamel resistance test

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №1 Pages: 266-268
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Short message
Authors: Okushko V.R., Kozadaev S.I., Potolya A.V.
Organization: Dnester State University n.a. T.G. Shevchenko

The article reveals the data on the use test of enamel resistance (TER) in studies on dental caries - the central problem in dentistry. Importance of predictive tests which allow focusing prevention efforts on deferent individuals at deferent times is being emphasized. The description of TER clinical techniques is presented; its weakness in terms of objectifying the degree of staining in the tested site is indicated. A standard color scale available in the Internet is proposed. In case of its application by all the authors who use TER, this methodological innovation will allow to obtain objective information about the level of tooth functional resistance under various conditions

References (including transliteration from Cyrillic to Roman script)

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