Clinico-laboratoral estimation of medioprophylactic toothpastes efficiency in caries prophylaxis
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Khomenko L.A., Sorochenko G.V.
Organization: National A.A. Bogomolets Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine
In experimental and clinical conditions the influence of medioprophylactic toothpastes with different fluoride compounds on enamel structural and functional characteristic of permanent teeth on the stage of secondary mineralization was studied. In the experimental part qualitive and quantative chemical test of the superficial enamel layer in 80 samples was made. Using secondary ion masspectrometry method the quality of fluoride and calcium ions enamel penetration was tested. Using radiophotoelectronic spectroscopy the number of fluoride, calcium and phosphorus ions was evaluated. The insufficient level of permanent teeth enamel mineralization after eruption and its changes due to the influence of different fluoride compound was shown. 88 schoolchildren of 12 years old were examined. The influence of fluoride containing toothpastes on hard tooth tissues, structural-functional enamel caries resistance and saliva mineralisation ability was stydied. The correlation beetwen studied parameters and fluoride compound, its concentration and the term of usage was found
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