Peculiarities of infectious diseases course accompanied by quinsy syndrome in children (data from children infectious hospital)
Heading: Infectious Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Borisova O.V., Gasilina E.S., Santalova G.V., Mitrofanov AM, Ovchinnikova T.A.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The research goal is to study morbidity dynamics for the period of 15 years and to determine clinical signs that accompany quinsy syndrome (diphtheria, infectious mononucleosis, scarlet fever, quinsy). Retrospective study analysis of annual reports and case-histories was carried out. 323 cases of infectious diseases accompanied by quinsy syndrome were examined. Clinical and epidemic signs of diseases were determined during the period of morbidity raise. The current clinical course of diseases was characterized in detail. The significant percentage of renal complications in case of pharyngonasal cavity lesion was shown
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