Importance of hemodynamic factors in vascular remodeling of muscular elastic type in arterial hypertension
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Melnikova L.V.
Organization: Penza Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians
The research goal is to investigate the relationship between hemodynamic factors and parameters of remodeling of common carotid arteries. 102 patients with essential hypertension of l-ll stage (49 men, 53 women, average age 47,5±11,2 years, duration of hypertension 7,8±1,5 years) have been examined. The study has revealed the relation between blood flow velocity in the common carotid artery (CCA) and the parameters of vascular remodeling, depending on the degree of hypertension. With the increase in systolic blood pressure dilation of common carotid arteries has been observed, reducing the rate of blood flow and wall thickness of the intima-media complex, accompanied by increased stiffness of the vascular wall. The increase in systolic blood pressure is accompanied by decrease in the rate of blood flow and wall tension on the endothelium, which contributes to thickness of the intima-media complex and increases the rigidity of the vascular wall
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