Monitoring of iodine intake and thyroid status of pregnant women in Saratov region from 1999 till 2008
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Original article
Authors: Naumova Yu.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article presents the results of monitoring of iodine intake and thyroid status in pregnant women in Saratov region according to the two cross-sectional studies in 1999 and 2008. The study involved 229 pregnant women. It has been established that there is a decrease in frequency of endemic goiter in pregnant women from 52,8 to 23,6% and increase in median urinary ioduria from 33,0 to 115,5 ug/l. However, iodine intake in pregnancy remains insufficient, as currently the median urinary ioduria is 150-249 ug/l (WHO, 2007). The frequency of maternal hypothyroxinemia, the most significant iodine deficiency disorders in pregnant women, has not changed in a 10-year period (1999 - 46,3%; in 2008 - 55,7%; p>0,1). The research has not obtained significant differences in the frequency of interrelated with pregnancy and delivery complications within two groups of patients
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