Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Ecogeochemical characteristics of region with advanced cement industry

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №1 Pages: 026-030
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Kudin M.V.
Organization: Saratov Ministry for Public Health

Problems of biosphere pollution by toxicants and toxic chemical elements are considered to be actual issues. The research goal is to examine ecogeochemical condition in the cement industry. Quantitative chemical content of I -IV danger classes of chemical elements in soil has been determined by means of atomic-emission spectrometry method with specters excitation in inductive high-frequency discharge. The same research has been held in the conditionally clear zone. In advanced cement industry as compared with conditionally clear area toxic chemical element index has been found to be increased. The research results have proved environmental problems in this sphere

Keywords: ecotoxicants, cement

References (including transliteration from Cyrillic to Roman script)

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