Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Kinetiks of cellular populations under influence of infra-red low-power laser irradiation

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №1 Pages: 023-026
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: I.O. Bugaeva, A.V. Egorova, O.V. Zlobina
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The morphokinetiks of cellular populations under the influence of infra-red low-power laser irradiation has been studied. our researchers evidenced, that the number of cortical thymocytes decreases under the influence of infra-red low-power laser irradiation. Invasion of Mast cells in to the stroma of thymus and their contact with the reticuloepithelio-cytes are the important factors for the stimulation of proliferation and differentiation of thymocytes

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