Variability Of Heart Rate In Patients With Chronic Brucellosis: Peculiarities Of Vegetative Regulation
Year: 2009, volume 5 Issue: №4 Pages: 578-580
Heading: Infectious Diseases Article type: Short message
Authors: А.А. Reshetnikov, A.A. Shuldyakov, M.V. Safonova
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov City Clinical Hospital № 2
Heading: Infectious Diseases Article type: Short message
Authors: А.А. Reshetnikov, A.A. Shuldyakov, M.V. Safonova
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov City Clinical Hospital № 2
The research goal is to study vegetative regulation of heart rate in patients with chronic brucellosis of various clinical forms and activity degrees. 80 patients with chronic brucellosis have been examined. Predominant influence of sympathetic part of vegetative nervous system on regulation of heart rate in active form of chronic brucellosis and influence of parasympathetic part in inactive form have been revealed. Character of vegetative dysfunction depends on clinical form of the disease only in the case of active chronic brucellosis
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