Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Microcirculatory Detrusor Changes in Medicinally Denervated Bladder Patients Scientific

Year: 2009, volume 5 Issue: №3 Pages: 417-419
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: R.I. Safiullin, А.А. Kazikhinurov, I.R. Valiyev
Organization: Bashkir Republican Clinical Hospital , Bashkir State Medical University of the Russian Health Care

In the present article the results of the study of microcirculation in abnormal urinary bladder detrusor are reported. The neurotoxic effect of botulinic toxin has been shown. The dynamics of microcirculatory changes in detrusor under the action of botulinic toxin has been evaluated

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