Total Knee Arthroplasty in the Combined Contracture
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: M.M Girkalo, М.А. Gavrilov, N.H. Bakteeva, O.J. Voskresensky, G.A. Korshunova, V.V. Kozlov
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Saratov State Medical University
We have offered modified access to a knee to work out a method for restoration of extensive apparatus of the knee. 91 patients with degenerative damages of the knee were under out su-pervision. All patients were differentiated in groups according to the form of access and pa-thology of the knee. At all stages of studying the following method of investigation were made: goniometry — for estimation of the knee functional condition; electroneiromyography — for reveling deficiency of muscular activity and determination of its kind. Patient's satisfac-tion by operation was defined by means of WOMAC scale subjective indexes. The received digital material was subjected to statistical processing. Thus, it has been proved that applica-tion of the modified access to a knee offered by us in total knee arthroplasty in patients with combined contracture in comparison with traditionally applied technologies of extensive ap-paratus releasing allows in short terms to restore the volume and force of movements in a knee that reduces time of rehabilitation and improves quality of patient's life
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