Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research


Year: 2007, volume 3 Issue: №4 Pages: 133-137
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: A.M. Gurianov
Organization: Orenburg State Medical University

Prophylaxis of infection in the case of burns includes a number of surgical and antiepidemic precautions, including the use of antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics are often causing allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis and contribute to appearance of antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms. In this article the results of treating of 190 patients with thermal burns are described. In order to prevent pyoinflammatory complications, 100 patients from the total of 190 ones were given the medicine “Sporobacterin fluidum” and 90 patints of the same 190 ones were given antibiotics. The medical effect of “Sporobacterin fluidum” is based on translocation of Bacillus subtilis from the bowels into the wound when they produce antibiotics, enzymes, immunomodulator.
It is found out that derangements, which appear after burns lead to dysfunction of all organs and systems, buildup of intoxication and change of the composition of biocenose of intestines. The research results prove that “Sporobacterin fluidum” is an effective medicine for prophylaxis of infectious complications and contributed to correction of biocenose of intestines, reduction intoxication and cutting down the period of wound healing and period of in-patient treatment of burnt.

Prophylaxis of infection in the case of burns includes a number of surgical and antiepidemic precautions, including the use of antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics are often causing allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis and contribute to appearance of antibiotic resistant strains of microorganisms. In this article the results of treating of 190 patients with thermal burns are described. In order to prevent pyoinflammatory complications, 100 patients from the total of 190 ones were given the medicine “Sporobacterin fluidum” and 90 patints of the same 190 ones were given antibiotics. The medical effect of “Sporobacterin fluidum” is based on translocation of Bacillus subtilis from the bowels into the wound when they produce antibiotics, enzymes, immunomodulator.
It is found out that derangements, which appear after burns lead to dysfunction of all organs and systems, buildup of intoxication and change of the composition of biocenose of intestines. A strict correlation between the number of pyoinflammatory complications and severity of dysbacteriosis is determined. Corrections of qualitative and quantitative composition of biocenose of intestines reduce risk of pyoinflammatory complications. The research results prove that “Sporobacterin fluidum” is an effective medicine for prophylaxis of infectious complications and contributed to correction of biocenose of intestines, reduction intoxication and cutting down the period of wound healing and period of in-patient treatment of burnt.

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