Heading: Oncology Article type: Original article
Authors: T.N. Popova, T.D. Selezneva
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Research objective: to clear up the specific features in diagnostics and the reasons for introduced errors in diagnosing multiple primary synchronous malignant neoplasms with one of their localization in a mammary gland.
Sources and methods: The present research is based on medical histories and questionnaires of 92 patients (1 group and control group) suffering from synchronous multiple neoplasms.
Results: It was found out that at multiple primary processes the primary neoplasms (tumors) are usually located in a mammary gland (89.1 ± 3.2%); their presentation is asymptomatic on the one third of patients (31.9 ± 4.1%); those tumors are usually detected by the patients (68.5 ± 4.8%).
The second and the following tumors are localized in a mammary gland (56.4 ± 5.2%) and a thyroid gland (26.1 ± 4.6%) in most cases. The presentation of a tumor is not usually clinically significant on the half of the patients (50.0 ± 5.2%); that is why a tumor is not usually detected on 23.9 ± 4.4% of the patients at medical examination.
The reasons for overlooked tumors: 1) incomplete medical examination of patients (54.5 ± 5.2%); 2) low skill level of doctors responsible for medical examination (27.3 ± 4.7%); 3) difficulties at conducting clinicopathologic diagnostics (18.2 ± 2.8%).