Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Критерии выбора лечебной тактики при пузырно-мочеточниковом рефлюксе у детей (RUS)

Year: 2007, volume 3 Issue: №2 Pages: 41-42
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: Dolgov B.V., Goremikin I.V., Kulikova T.N., Jarkov D.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

997-2006 years in pediatric surgery clinic were treated at 332 patients at the age from 6 months till 15 years that underwent endoscope correction of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) with various degrees. At 105 patients as biomaterials implant (plasma with thrombin, collagen), at 227 children - polymers implant (a preparation DAM+) were used. The algorithm of a choice of methods of treatment VUR has been made by criterion which were: degree VUR, age of patients, a background pathology and result of the previous treatment.

Keywords: urology
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