Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

№4, 2013, volume 9

Estimation of dynamics of blood pressure parameters in patients with metabolic syndrome and hypertension under the influence of different rehabilitation programs

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 931-934
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Short message
Authors: Lopatkina L.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The author shows the prevalence and, as well, relevance of therapy of patients with metabolic syndrome. The research aimed studying of influence of modern comprehensive programs of rehabilitation on a dynamics of indicators of arterial pressure at patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods of an exposure on the patients with metabolic syndrome were innovative technologies of recovery medicine: electrostatic massage with the device "Хивамат" [khivamat], multifactorial polymodal hardware influence by the AlfaLedOxyLight-Spa installation, complex exposure on the musculoskeletal device from the Hyuber installation, psychological correction from Shufrid system. Results of research of 80 patients, divided into 4 groups, are presented in article with metabolic syndrome. The comparative analysis revealed advantage of complex application of the developed programs of non-drug treatment, in comparison with standard treatment that was confirmed by correction of hemodynamic violations at patients with metabolic syndrome. During research the complete recovery of all studied indicators had been revealed to level of healthy faces. Condusion. The most expressed decrease in arterial pressure and correction of hemodynamic violations the comprehensive program including diet, electrostatic massage with the device "Хивамат", multi-factorial polymodal hardware influence bytheAlfaLedOxyLight-Spa installation in a complex with influence from the Hyuber installation and psychological correction from Shufrid system that is important in metabolic syndrome.

Keywords: comprehensive non-drug programs, hemodynamic violations, metabolic processes, treatment

Organization of medical rehabilitation in Parkinson's disease in a specialized clinical diagnostic room

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 927-931
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Krivonos О.V., Smolentseva I.G., Amosova N.A., Gubaydullina R.F.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The study aimed to create an organizational model of medical rehabilitation of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD). Material and methods. In medical institutions of Closed Administrative-Territorial Units of Russia (Seversk, Za-rechniy, Ozersk, Lesnoy, Sarov and Zheleznogorsk) in clinical and diagnostic rooms for providing care to patients with movement disorders there was created an organizational model of medical rehabilitation. Results. The organizational model of medical rehabilitation allowed to cover 100% of all PD patients. The main phases in the model were diagnosis and follow up care on the base of specialized clinical and diagnostic room, creating and performance of individual rehabilitation program with recreation therapist, educational sessions for patients and their relatives, evaluation effectiveness of rehabilitation measures, condition monitoring, assessment of antiparkinsonian therapy. Effectiveness of the rehabilitation in inpatient and outpatient settings was comparable. Conclusion. Creation and implementation of the organizational model of medical rehabilitation was possible only in specialized clinical and diagnostic rooms for diagnosis and treatment of movement disorders. There were introduction of the phasing and basic directions rehabilitation program for PD patients have been worked.

Keywords: clinical diagnostic room, Parkinson’s disease, rehabilitation

Rehabilitation of walking disorders with a freezing in patients Parkinson disease: methods of outpatient correction

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 923-927
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Krivonos О.V., Smolentseva I.G., Amosova N.A., Gubaydullina R.F., Karpova О.V., Chupina L. P.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The study aimed the effectiveness of rehabilitation approaches for patients with Parkinson disease with a freezing at an outpatient condition. Material and methods. The study included 26 patients with Parkinson disease (14 men and 12 women), average age was 54.1± 9.5 years, average disease duration — 7.8± 3.1 years, the stage of the disease by Hoehn and Yahr scale — 3, 1±0.8. The control group included 15 patients with Parkinson disease (9 men and 6 women), matched in age, duration and severity. All patients have got a stable antiparkinsonian therapy before and during the study. The experiment had been performed for 6 months. The rehabilitation program consisted of 10 sessions. In rehabilitation program there had been used a sensor treadmill and Nordic walking. Patients had been kept training the Nordic walking at home through the course of the study. The results show the effectiveness of rehabilitation for reducing the severity of a freezing, increasing the speed of walking, the increased of the length step, decreased the time for turning compared to the control group. The effect had been supported by home rehabilitation training for 3 and 6 months after the study. Besides, patients from the main group did not need the change of the antiparkinsonian therapy after the study comparing with the control group.

Keywords: Nordic walking, Parkinson’s disease, sensor treadmill, walking disorders with a freezing

Преимущества организации длительной когнитивной реабилитации при болезни Паркинсона в специализированном клинико-диагностическом кабинете

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 917-922
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Krivonos О.V., Smolentseva I.G., Amosova N.A., Karpova O.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The study aimed: to evaluate the advantages of the long-term of cognitive rehabilitation on the evidence of cognitive and affective disorders in Parkinson disease in a specialized clinical diagnostic room. Material and methods. The study included 37 patients with Parkinson disease (PD) — the study group, who had the long-term cognitive rehabilitation on the background of a standard drug therapy, and 28 patients in the control group, who had received only standard drug therapy. Assessment of cognitive function was carried out by neurologists, who had a course of thematic advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with extrapyramidal disorders, and who are working in a specialized clinical diagnostic room for patients with movement disorders. Results. Our results show the effectiveness of the long-term cognitive rehabilitation of Parkinson disease in specialized clinical diagnostic rooms. Whether the optimal duration and frequency of trainings, the duration of the course of the rehabilitation program remains unclear.

Keywords: management of cognitive rehabilitation, Parkinson’s disease, the effectiveness of rehabilitation

Dynamics of a lipid and metabolic imbalance on the background of a complex programs of rehabilitation at metabolic syndrome

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 912-917
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Short message
Authors: Kotenko К.V., Slonimskiy B.Yu.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The study aimed the development and assessment of features of corrective action of a medical complex on a lipid imbalance at patients with obesity. Material and methods. For an assessment of features of corrective action of a medical complex on a lipid imbalance at patients with obesity in research I was 50 male patients with obesity and frustration of the reproductive sphere aged from 24 to 68 years were included, middle age was 38,5±6,1 years and 7 healthy persons, men of comparable age without any pathological states, results of which all researches were accepted to values of norm. To all patients included in research, except all-clinical inspection calculation of an index of body weight and the relation of a circle of a waist to a circle of hips, measurement of arterial pressure were applied questioning concerning food and food behavior, anthropometry (growth the body weight, a circle of a waist and hips). Besides all patients conducted laboratory methods the researches including definition of atherogenic fractions of lipids (the general cholesterol, triglycerides, LPNPand LPVP). Researches were conducted before treatment and after a course of treatment. Results. The effective complex program for restoration of reproductive function at patients with obesity is developed. Conclusion. Application of the developed comprehensive program more than its separate components caused the expressed reduction of body weight, mainly due to reduction of fatty tissue and manifestations of visceral obesity in patients with obesity and violation of reproductive function, including due to elimination of metabolic imbalance.

Keywords: an underwater shower massage, low-intensive laser radiation, metabolic processes, physical therapy, rectal pantocrine fillings, the men reproductive sphere failure

Application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the rehabilitation of patients after surgical correction of the penile urethral strictures

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 909-912
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Kotenko К.V., Matkevich S.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The aim of the article is to examine the impact and justify the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in the complex rehabilitation of patients after surgery for penile urethral strictures. Material and Methods. A group of 37 patients were examined who underwent various reconstructive operations on the urethra, 16 of which in the postoperative period in addition to conventional therapy conducted hyperbaric oxygenation. Results. It is shown that the use of hyperbaric oxygenation in the early postoperative period in patients undergoing replacement plastic of urethra can reduce the incidence of postoperative complications, and reduced the time of urethral drainage. Conclusion. An integrated approach with the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the rehabilitation of patients undergoing extended replacement plastic of penile urethral strictures, reduces the amount of potential effect-dependent postoperative complications, which generally leads to shorter hospital stay after surgical treatment.

Keywords: rehabilitation, urethral stricture

Using of bathtubs on the basis of biologically active agents of a phytogenesis for increase of reserve opportunities at the persons who actively takes sports

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 906-909
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Kotenko K.V., Korchazhkina N.B., Ivanova I.I.., Petrova M.S., Mihailova A.A., Kapitonova N.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Recently considerable interest to application in the medical purposes of the preparations based on vegetable raw materials in connection with their low toxicity and considerable therapeutic efficiency has been increased. The research aimed studying of an influence of chestnut bathtubs on a physical state, functional cardiovascular reserves, vegetative nervous systems, a condition of a psycho-emotional background at the persons who are actively playing sports. Material and Methods. Examination of 30 almost healthy students actively (professionally) playing sports was conducted. Results. Application of chestnut bathtubs promoted increase of functional reserves of vegetative nervous system and, therefore, functional reserves of cardiovascular system. Decrease in level of uneasiness and increase of emotional stability and tolerance to a stress was noted. Conclusion. Thus follows that use of chestnut bathtubs promotes increase of level of a physical state and functional reserves of cardiovascular system and vegetative nervous system, and also conducts to improvement of a psycho-emotional condition of the persons who are actively playing sports.

Keywords: adaptive reserves of an organism, biologically active substances, horse-chestnut, physical health status

Radiation accidents with uneven exposure

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 901-905
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Soloviev V.Yu., Barabanova A.V., BushmanovA.Yu.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aims: radiation accidents analysis in which there has been an uneven exposure of a human body. Material and Methods. The Burnazyan FMBC Radiation Accidents Register information and published data in other countries are investigated. Results. The Radiation Accidents Register of State Scientific Research Center n.a. A. I. Burnasyan consist the full information of radiation accidents in the former USSR (1949-1991) and the Russian Federation (1992-2012) territory. There is an evidence of 39 radiation accidents with 190 victims with a diagnosis of acute radiation syndrome and uneven exposure (incl. 4 episodes after 1991 in Russia), 62 people of which (incl. one in 1997 in Russia) died in the acute phase. Conclusion^ Experience in the treatment of such victims, which are available from the State Scientific Research Center n.a. A. I. Burnazyan staff, is comparable with the total experiences in other developed countries.

Keywords: exposure, radiation accidents, registry, victims

Psychophysiological adaptation of the patient with the remote effect of the III degree acute radiation syndrome

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 897-901
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Metlyaeva N.A., Lartsev М.А., Shcherbatykh О.V., Bushmanov A.Yu.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: clinical psychophysiological assessment of social and psychophysiological adaptation of the patient with the remote effect of the III degree acute radiation syndrome, with local radiation injuries of heavy degree from the extremely uneven gamma and neutron radiation with the subsequent amputation of both feet at level in top / 3 shins, according to feature of its individual mental adaptation and the periods of its mental adaptation stages. Material and methods. The object of the research was a patient (born in 1939) who worked as an engineer in the National Research Centre (NRC "Kurchatov Institute") from 1963 to 2010, the senior researcher. Psychophysiological inspection of the patient had been organized according to the MMPI test, Kettell's test, Raven in 30 years after radiation accident (1971) in dynamics in 2001, 2002, 2006, 2009 with the use of the automated program and methodical Expert complex intended for research of the properties, cognitive and intellectual features of the personality. Results. Average profile of multilateral research of the personality (MMPI) and the dynamics of indicators according to the years of supervision (2001-2009) points to a disharmonious combination of hypochondriac, disturbing and depressive and demonstrative tendencies to prevalence of a demonstration, as firmness manifestation before a heavy illness at the patient after the III degree acute radiation sickness, and local radiation injuries of heavy degree from the extremely uneven gamma and neutron radiation, am-
putation of both shins at level in top / 3, late beam buttock, right hip ulcers, a beam cataract of the III degree of both eyes, stabilized. The assessment of the efficiency of psychophysiological adaptation in dynamics with 2009 indicates emergence of prevalence of hypochondriac tendencies over a demonstration with accession of high uneasiness and autistic lines at preservation of the leading role of an hypochondriac somatization of alarm with considerable decrease in an emotionality, an integration, a freedom of behavior. The changes revealed in dynamics correspond to the specific increase weight of violations of mental adaptation, characteristic for the period of adaptation exhaustion. The high intelligence, good figurative and logical thinking, well-mannered forms of behavior, high control over the emotional sphere, restraint of emotions, independence, self-sufficiency, organization, behavior taking into account environment requirements provided the patient M. firmness before a heavy illness, promoted good adaptation to an environment with confidence in myself, high social adaptability, opportunity successfully to carry out duties, hold the work account (worked 39 years after accident). Comparative assessment of operator ability of the patient M. showed good average time of common and difficult sensorimotor reactions with 2 mistakes, high time of reaction for moving object, however decrease in accuracy of reaction from 10-13% to 2% testifies to manifestation in dynamics of insufficiency of real functional reserves of nervous system. Conclusions. Efficiency of psychophysiological adaptation depends not only on a dose of radiation and weight of the transferred disease, but, mostly, on premorbid properties of the identity of the victim and his social and labor installation.

Keywords: adaptation, ionizing radiation, local radiation injuries

Feasibility of radiation dose range capable to cause subacute course of radiation syndrome

Year: 2013, volume 9 Issue: №4 Pages: 895-896
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Short message
Authors: Krasnyuk V.I., Ustyugova А.А.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

There had been analysed cases of radiation syndrome which clinical picture takes an intermediate place between the acute radiation syndrome (ARS) and the chronic radiation syndrome (CRS), and differs from them because of a subacute. This variant of disease can develop as a result of the fractioned or prolonged radiation lasting from several days to several weeks. Development of primary reaction took place only in the extremely hard cases which ends with an early fatality. After the general radiation the marrow failure was characterized by directly expressed formation and restoration period, specific features of which were defined by the radiation duration, a total dose and dose derivative. The most typical outcomes of a subacute radiation syndrome are death from infectious complications in the period of an eruptive phase or leukosis development in the remote period.

Keywords: marrow failure, radiation hematology, radiation pathology, radiation syndrome