New Methodological Approach To Hypertension And Atherosclerosis Treatment
Year: 2009, volume 5 Issue: №4 Pages: 562-563
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Ya.A. Katz
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Ya.A. Katz
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
A new methodological approach has been proposed according to the insufficient results of hypertension (HD) and atherosclerosis (AT) treatment and preventive measures. This method is characterized by the determination and taking into account the phases of systematic chronic inflammatory process in vessels and concentrates on the conduction of an active anti-inflammatory therapy (AIT). Special attention has been paid to the diagnostics and treatment of different phases of interseizure period (ISP), mainly of preactive phase. These measures should both prevent activation and progressing of the process and become a kind of prophylaxis
Keywords: anti-inflammatory therapy, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, hydrochlorothiazide, lisinopril, phases of chronic inflammation
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